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Wyoming Gets Lit for the Holidays

Wyoming's first ever holiday light decorating contest - Get Lit! - was a big hit this year!

There’s Still Time to Shop! Check Out #WyoFavoriteThings

Visit the #WyoFavoriteThings website to purchase special local products you can pick up while you're out and about.

Work Begins on Crescent Avenue Homes

For many years families came to the doctor’s offices at the corner of Cooper and Crescent Avenue; soon, homes for seven families will rise on the site.

Wyoming Businesses Honored for Sustainable Practices

In this unprecedented year, the 2020 Wyoming Green Business Award winners are Sally L. Noble Architect, LLC and Sheldon Reder CPAs. 

Discover Homes Designed by Wyoming Architect Walter Cordes

The variety of architecture in Wyoming enhances our community's charm and sense of history. The work of one local architect, Walter Cordes, adds a particular flair to Wyoming's architectural variety with his unique designs that ranged from Tudor Revival to Cape Cod to Modern.

Gardeners in Wyoming Harvest Some Pandemic Stress Relief Along with Homegrown...

In Wyoming, vegetable plots popped up all over the city, while newcomers and veterans alike enjoyed the city’s recently relocated community gardens, too.

Wyoming Flocked to Upcycle Day and Freebox

A total of 29,020 pounds, or 14.51 tons was salvaged by residents through the one-day Upcycle event.

Take a Walk and Enjoy Wyoming’s Architectural Variety

To help you appreciate the city's charming variety of homes during your outings, What's Up Wyoming has updated six posts on the significant architecture styles in Wyoming, with suggested walking tours to see specific homes described in each post.

More Great Food and Services to Explore in Wyoming’s Business District

What's Up Wyoming and the city want to help you re-discover the pleasure of doing business here in Wyoming with local business owners who...

New Wyoming Avenue Mural Celebrates Community’s Schools and History

There's a new, colorful mural in town, on the side of the Robinson Cleaners building at 11 Wyoming Avenue
What's Up Wyoming