Connect To Art at Virtual Wyoming Art Show

The annual Wyoming Art Show is going virtual for 2021. 

Junior Women’s Club To Hold Online Poker Fundraiser

The Junior Women’s Club of Wyoming (JWC) will hold an online poker fundraiser in lieu of their annual Charity Euchre Tournament.

Art Exhibition Examines “Unconscious Bias”

Unconscious Bias Art Exhibition

A new art show, organized by Wyoming Community In Action, A.R.T. Gallery, Paradigm Home Design, and the Wyoming Community Foundation aims to explore and challenge unconscious bias.

Vandalism Incident Inspires Friends and Neighbors to Show Support for Family, LGBTQ Community

Pride Flags

In early December, Bill and Michele Fitzpatric discovered the rainbow colored pride flag they had flown for many months had been taken from their porch, burned and then left near the street.

Wyoming Gets Lit for the Holidays

Get Lit Wyoming

Wyoming's first ever holiday light decorating contest - Get Lit! - was a big hit this year!

Tribute Created for Fallen Springdale Police Officer and WHS Grad Kaia Grant

A local music group has created a special tribute to Kaia Grant, the 2005 WHS grad and former Springdale Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty March 21.

Gardeners in Wyoming Harvest Some Pandemic Stress Relief Along with Homegrown Veggies

In Wyoming, vegetable plots popped up all over the city, while newcomers and veterans alike enjoyed the city’s recently relocated community gardens, too.

Send Us Your Creative Halloween Solutions!

What's Up Wyoming is seeking photos of the creative ideas residents are employing to enjoy Halloween trick-or-treat in 2020.  

Wyoming Fine Arts Center Announces New Executive Director

The Wyoming Fine Arts Center has announced Julie Collinsworth at their new Executive Director. 

Kindervelt Offers Pre-Sale of Holiday Greens

Kindervelt #8 of Wyoming is offering their beautiful wreaths and greens for pre-order, with pickup or delivery available.

What's Up Wyoming