James McIlwain – A Concerned (And Active) Citizen

As you stroll along Wyoming Avenue one picturesque spring day, your eyes may fall upon a street bench near 310 Wyoming Avenue: “James McIlwain - A Concerned Citizen”. It begs the question - “Who is he, and why was he concerned?”

Have Questions About the Village Green Re-Design? Here’s Your Chance to Ask

City officials leading the Village Green project will share their vision for the space and answer questions from Wyoming residents at two special Q&A sessions in March.

Wyoming Celebrates 2019 Citizens of the Year

Wyoming’s 2019 Citizens of the Year represent a broad swath of the community and showed once again how lucky Wyoming is to have such engaged and active residents.

Historical Marker at Hilltop Park Honors Residents’ Preservation Work

The work of three history lovers has been honored by the City of Wyoming with an historical marker at Hilltop Park.

A Traveling Flagpole Finds its Forever Home

Did you know there is a unique story about Wyoming neighbors passing along a 40-foot flagpole that now stands at Crescent Park?

Wyoming Considering Creation of a Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area

A public hearing Monday, Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at 800 Oak Avenue will consider a proposed Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area

Halloween Fun at the Civic Center

Families enjoyed fall fun on Sunday, October 20th at the Halloween Hoopla and Pooch Parade at the Civic Center.

Go Wyoming! The City Celebrates School Spirit at the Annual Homecoming Parade

Wyoming's tree-lined streets were filled with color & sound on Oct. 4, as the students of Wyoming High School showed off their creativity and school spirit.

Fall Festival on Wyoming Avenue:  Downtown Wyoming Busy with Food, Music, Booths, and Community Spirit

Wyoming Avenue came alive for the 37th Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 5th.

Wyoming Community Gardens Return With New Look

Wyoming's Community Gardens are already a success in their first year at their new location

What's Up Wyoming