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What's Up Wyoming


Families Wrap Up Summer at Back-to-School Bash

A big crowd filled Wyoming’s Village Green on August 10 for the at Back-to-School Bash to mark the final Friday before the start of school.

Families Enjoy Summer Fun At All Kids Carnival

In between back-to-school shopping and picking up school packets and schedules, Wyoming families enjoyed some outdoor fun at the All Kids Carnival on August 3.

Perfect Evening For 2nd Pics on the Pike 

Beautiful weather and a full moon - not to mention plenty of great food, games, and a popular movie - made for a perfect evening for Pics on the Pike Friday, July 27.

Everyone Loves a Luau

The family aquatic center turned into an island paradise for a few hours last month as the 12th Annual Luau Party took place. 

Dogs Rule for Wyoming’s Annual Yappy Hour

A happy crowd of dogs and dog lovers gathered at the Wyoming Village Green for Wyoming’s fourth annual Yappy Hour on July 18. 

Wyoming Hosts NSSL Swim Championships in Style

It was a battle in the pool July 16-17 as Wyoming hosted more than 700 swimmers from neighboring municipal pool swim teams for the annual Northern Suburban Swim League Championships.

Walter Cordes:  A Significant Architect for Wyoming

The variety of architecture in Wyoming gives our community its charm and sense of history. One local architect, Walter Cordes, designed over 40 homes in Wyoming during the 20th century, with an impressive range of styles.

Wyoming Celebrates Independence Day

Across the city, residents braved temperatures in the 90s to turn out for the July 4th festivities.

Good Clean Fun at the Muddy Pig

It’s July 4. It’s hot. It’s humid. So what do you do? You get down in the mud and over the obstacles at the Muddy Pig Fun Run, of course!

Rainy-Stiltskin on Village Green

Rain may have cut the show a little short, but the Madcap Puppets production of "Rumpelstiltskin" June 27th brought torrents of smiles, peals of laughter and thunderous applause nonetheless.
What's Up Wyoming