Need a place to relax and refresh? In June, seventeen volunteers, led by prospective Wyoming Troop #221 Eagle Scout William Helser, built two benches on the Stearns Woods Nature Trail for an Eagle Scout project. One bench is located directly on the trail near Oliver, while the other is set back in the woods halfway through the trail.

Eagle Scout projects have long been part of the larger requirements for the Eagle Scout achievement. They give the Scout the opportunity to plan, develop, and lead others into action. The Eagle project is a key component of the award, along with 21 merit badges and demonstrated leadership within the troop.

It was wonderful to see many volunteers, Scouts from three generations, four different troops, and the City of Wyoming partnering to make this project a reality. Spanning three months of planning, three days of construction, multiple trips to haul concrete, and creativity to build remotely in nature, the bench project is now ready for all to enjoy.

The next time you’re seeking a place to unwind, take a stroll in Stearns Woods and enjoy a restful moment on one of the benches built by local collaboration and creativity.