Now, in its second year, the City of Wyoming is offering mini-grants of $500 to students at each Wyoming primary school for an environmental project. And now, the deadline for applications has been extended to March 1, 2019.

All students in the primary level are invited to apply. Some students’ teachers might not be organizing a grant application as a class, but we realize there are many environmentally-minded and ambitious students in Wyoming’s K-4th grades. Your child is welcome to apply individually or with a group of friends.

Ask your kids: Are there ways your school could use less water? Less electricity? Are there improvements to the grounds you’d suggest to better support the school’s surrounding ecosystem? Maybe your kid is wild about butterflies and wants to create a butterfly garden, or loves bats and wants to build bat houses. Or maybe your child is their generation’s next great environmental scientist, they have an innovation for their school already in mind.

With the upcoming school break, the mini-grant application is one way to keep your kids busy in a productive way. Plus, it’s a wonderful opportunity that could result in your child taking a lead in helping protect and preserve the environment.

Find more information and links to the application here.